Artist exchange and Shabbat Omanim
Für mich war es eine sehr gute Gelegenheit, die gelernte Geschichte meiner eigenen religiösen Herkunft mit den Eindrücken dieser Reise optisch zu ergänzen. Aus eigener Sicht kann ich das Frühjahr als Reisezeit vollkommen empfehlen. Die Landschaft war grüner als erwartet und ich habe noch nie so intensive Frühlingsgerüche wahrgenommen wie auf dieser Reise. Danke an die Städte Braunschweig und Kyriat Tivon für eine mehr als spannende Woche.
#Braunschweig #KyriatTivon #Kirjat Tiw'on #ShabbatOmanim #Partnerstadt
Artist exchange between twin cities and participation in Shabbat Omanim in Cyrjat Tivon (Qirjat Tiv'on). As part of international understanding and the exchange between twin cities, I took part in the Shabbat Omanim in Cyriat Tivon (Qirjat Tiv'on), Israel this year. In addition to participating in a small exhibition with very sincere encounters, I was invited to see the north of the country of Israel on various excursions. These included the Golan Heights, the Sea of Galilee, the excavation site of beautiful mosaics in Tsipori, the tombs of Bet She'arim, as well as the cities of Akko, Haifa and Nazareth with their various sights.
For me it was a amazing opportunity to optically complement the learned history of my own religious background with the impressions of this trip. In my humble opinion, I can fully recommend spring as travel time. The landscape was greener than expected and I have never smelled such intense spring scents like on this trip. I want to thank the city of Braunschweig and Kyriat Tivon for a more than exciting week.
#Braunschweig #CyriatTivon #Qirjat Tiv'on #ShabbatOmanim #TwinCity